Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Target 11/12/12

My target today is to get my word count up to 1300 words, looking at the comparison of Buffy and Heroes.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Research Essay - Part 1

This is the start of my research essay in draft form: It includes the introduction and context of the superhero and comic book genres, as well as the majority of the Buffy the Vampire Analysis. This currently sits at 1003 words.

Target 7/12/12

My target for today's lesson is to write the introduction for my essay, and start to write the textual analysis of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Heroes, comparing and contrasting them on their representations of gender and how this representation affects their actions and narratives.

Target: At least 800 words

Friday, 16 November 2012


I will be using the results from this questionnaire to help inform my research regarding the representation of gender in superhero or comic book movies, with my practical plan being related to the idea of an all-female superhero movie being publicised via a magazine spread.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Targets 13/11/12

My target for today is to work on my questionnaire regarding the representation of gender in terms of good and evil.